I'm a dev living in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Fork me on Github or send me an email.


17 March 2014

Moving from script to bin

Following Practicing Ruby’s example, I’ve modified my script to be executable without prefixing it with “ruby” and used Ruby’s OptionParser library to read arguments instead of pulling them straight from ARGV.

Using the OptionParser library was fairly straightforward, but I needed to use the arguments following the flags as strings in my code. After looking over the the documentation, I realized you have to specify that you will be receiving an argument, otherwise it will be set to true or false.

For example:

parser.on("-f", "--foo") {|argument| options[:foo] = argument}

If your bin is executed with mybin -f bar, options[:foo] will return true.

parser.on("-f", "--foo ARGUMENT") {|argument| options[:foo] = argument}

If your bin is executed with mybin -f bar, options[:foo] will return bar.

Check out the rest of the code on my github.